Thank you for the reply. I did manage to set up something along with the terms you describe, using the action area. However, it is not ideal.
I am using a single click interface and to avoid the Hero walking to the nearest point when you click unwalkable areas (like sky, trees etc.) and only walk to a destination clicked within the walkable area, I set up interactions with only objects upon left-click and disabled moving of the character. The walkable area is then covered with "tiles" of walkable objects and that's how the hero moves across the screen. This however creates a problem when I use two way-systems because when Hero is in WS1 and you click on the far end of WS2, the Hero will not go where you clicked because the object position is not within the currently active WS.
It can be solved by creating large conditioned objects fully covering the whole area of each of the way systems. The objects are active only when the WS underneath is inactive. That makes the character walk towards the border of the two WS, where there is an active area that switches between the WS. BUT even with this solution, the hero will stop after entering the action area and you will have to click again to finish walking to the original destination.
Idk, this is the best I could come up with. If anyone has a better solution, especially where the character does not stop at the border and the destination does not need to be clicked again, ill be happy to hear it!