Hi all! I have been teaching myself VS for a couple of months now, with the aim to create my first game. So far I am slowly getting the hang of the interface, and i have a working scene built with characters, walking animations etc. But I feel like i handled my first character sprite in the wrong way. I made my main character much bigger than the game's resolution and so he has been scaled down a lot. It looks fine and there is no artifacting or anything, but i do want it to be as efficient as possible. Also, being scaled means the lines i drew are much thinner than the Background image, so i will probably need to redo them when i add in final graphics.
Before i get into that and start reworking the sprites, does everyone else create raster based spites for 2D characters? I see games like Deponia and they look incredible polished like vector graphics- which i believe VS doesn't use - and so I wonder how they get those lines so consistently clean. Does anyone have any advice on this?
A second question I have is about the UI - I have a verb coin interface, and managed to have the action text appear inside the coin, but if I have too long an action it bleeds over the edges of the interface. I tried to use the text box function on the interfaces setup, but it doesn't seem to work? How can i set my action text more neatly into the interface?
Finally, my inventory - why when I choose "add object to character" to pick up, might it not adding to my inventory page? I have created the inventory object, and added it to the scene, and my inventory interface has set "placeholder" boxes.
Thanks all! VS is such an exciting program to learn and i can't wait to learn and get better at using it