with these steps the character has to walk a bit faster. It looks like she is moonwalking forward right now 
Nevertheless it looks great so far

Nice new location
I think walk also looks a bit strange because the initial walk frame is the legs starting at widest point apart rather than left or right foot slightly leading.
Quick note: it's possible to create semi-realistic walk animations by switching disabling sliding walk animation option thing inside of the outfit properties tab (bit where you specify the global walk speed / 3D character settings. However, it requires a lot more work than default sliding walk system as you need to manually offset the movement for each frame because it updates position of the character on each frame change rather than sliding by x pixels between frames.
Anyway, yeah... All looking ok so far - not so sure about Sims makeover wardrobe. Looks like a lot of work to me having to create same animations for each one, though I suppose that depends on if you plan on creating custom scene/character/object/item interaction animations as opposed to using a few generic animations.