yes you found the relevamt sites in the wiki which refer to the usage if the visionaire objects with LUA. Of course there are some more additional pages - all under the " Scripting (Lua) " drop down menu in the wiki.
Im on the way to work right now so im not able to fully embrace each point. I will come back to this this evening then
Some short hints:
CharacterLinks["char_name"].CurrentOutfit["outfit_name"].CharacterAnimations["anim_name"] was a good go. But there is no table "CharacterLinks" in visionaire as yiu already mentioned.
Roughly each headline in the data structure wiki page determines also a table name in visionaire which can be accessed by adding also an "s" behind it (Character - > Characters) . Not each table can be accesseed directly but mostly you can use this as a starting point.
Now that you have a table Characters you can do the following:
okay... now thats not an animation.. we have to dig deeper. lets have a look at the characters table again and search for the outfit part in the character table:
There is a field for the outfits which link to the CharacterOutfits.
You also could also try to go for CharacterCurrentOutfit which links directly to the chars current outfit. So for now we use the outfit list and add it to our Lua line:
(remember, we are accessing a new table which has possibly more entries and add an "s")
i will go om with the first exanple here.
we are not done. lets see... where do we find the animation in the outfit table:
OutfitCharacterAnimations looks like it links to animations... yay. Adding this in.
recognize that i also left out some beginning word of the actual field.
(OutfitCharacterAnimations - > CharacterAnimations). Has something to do with the shorthand method. Not well documented though...
that should do the trick. This is the "safe" method because you referenced directly to the animation from a characters outfit and the possibility you named two animations the same in this outfit is not so big.
What you could also do is:
This will do the same IF there is only one animation named like "animation_name" in the project. If there are more animations with the same name it will probably start the animation the engine finds first in the project (not compulsory a character animation) .
So either name all animations different (which i would suggest anyway) and go fir my last mentioned script or you have to determine the animation more specific by addressing it like the above mentioned method.
kind regards