@Calli: cheers for sorting out the online border on avatars in forum posts.
Moving on.
1. the reference section gallery on the main homepage has continous cycle through images / content enabled for the next arrow (right), but the previous arrow (left) stops cycling the content when "The Night of the Rabbit" is displayed. Should probably enable continous cycling for both arrows?
2. Visionaire Studio logo in the menu isn't aligned with the rest of the menu stuff correctly. It seems to be offset a little high. I would recommend considering losing the name part of it or at least making it use a logo only version for lower browser / device resolutions as I'm pretty sure it will overlap or cause issues with the menu on smaller screens.
3. The Top Poster section. I think you are displaying too many people on it. I think it should be reduced to a minimum of 2 rows, though 1 would be better. Maybe you could consider creating some more top poster categories, such as poster of the day, week, month, year, etc. Maybe could even consider making it so it only displays 1 top poster per category. Would kind of make it a bit more fun & a challenge to get more people active in the forum by trying to knock me off my pedestal as Board King - might take them a while though as it seems I've posted over 3000 messages more than the person with the next most amount of posts. It's mad! I don't remember posting over 4000 times.
4. minor aesthetic fixes.
a. not sure what happened to the circles around the available platforms. They don't seem to be actual circles & they look messy. I also recommend having them all on a single row beneath the text on the left & the devices image on the right.
b. the from 49€ button at the top of the home page should have same styling & hover styling as the "read more" buttons found in the license blocks. Also the link from the button should be to the shop category page where all the licenses are located & to the indie single license. Also I think you should add a button next to that links to the download page containing the evaluation version of Visionaire Studio.
c. the wiki link can be shorted to wiki.visionaire-tracker.net as it looks much neater than including the wiki/main_page bit at the end of it. There's no need to include it as it auto-forwards to the main_page.

Anyway, keep up the good work mate!