yeah it's a pain in the arse, which is why I want absolute pixel movement instead of whatever the current movement system is as I can't make head or tails of it. You also have to redo the movements again if you change the global delay/pause between frames or manually change the delay of individual frames too - bloody annoying.
you're right. The current movement by frames is not correct. It also factors in time passed since last frame which does not make much sense here. As you said it should only use absolute movement.
I'm currently not completely sure if I can just change and fix it or if this could mess up other games. Although as you mentioned it's not really useful and I can hardly imagine someone using it with good results.
@ Alex: I think I'm probably the only person that has bothered using it as it currently is.
For me the simpler thing would be to set an absolute movement amount in pixels, which will be the movement value when the character scale = 100%, which in turn should make it simpler to calculate movement values by calculating it based on the characters scale value. Also it means we can create a speeded up walk if we like that still moves the same amount of pixels, but faster across the screen due to reduced global pause/delay between each of the animation frames.
Anyway, hope you implement it as it would be really appreciated. Cheers.

@ Sebastian: I don't think many people use it. Most probably don't even know you can disable sliding walk animation & change to update position on new frame. Even if it was fully replaced, it wouldn't be a massive amount of work for the few users that do use it to update their characters walk animations. Might take them a day, might take them much less time, but nothing ground breaking, but yeah I suppose there could be some option in the editor to enable or disable absolute or current movement value system.