OK, I think I understood (a little bit). You can't do it the same way to mark a frame as leader? No, I see, it's not the same. So, waiting for R 6.
Hmm... not sure, but you could base it on the foot that has contact with the floor. I use the update animation position on new frame for walk animations rather than the default slide animation system, which means I can make a decent looking start walking animation & realistic-ish walk animation because I make sure that each frame is always aligned with the previous frames contact foot.
The gif example I provided in my last post is playing too fast for some reason. The original I exported from photoshop plays a lot slower so you can see each transition. I started with the idle character animation & then started the walk with a slightly extended left foot. It then plays until the right foot is almost back near the idle character position.
This is the first frame in the walk animation. Ideally a frame where the left foot was closer to the character would be more realistic, but unfortunately I don't have one. I think we will be using more frames for the walk animation for final version of ALLD game though, so I'll have more frames to work with.
P.S: being able to assign different way system to each character is an interesting idea, but it would get messy in scenes where you need to change the way system because something in the scene environment has changed such as the opening of a new path or a pathway being blocked by an obstruction of sorts.