If we could create walk animations per leg, then we could more easily create stepping & also have the engine automatically reverse the current leg walk animation back to the first frame when the character stops.
I don't really understand this part.
For example I create a walking loop of 12 frames. OK, I can start every walk with the left foot. So the start animation has to stop on the left foot. You are right - that's easy. But I haven't any influence which frame is the last frame to stop the walk, have I? Maybe it is the frame left foot on floor or right foot on floor or between.
Or it's fact that Visionaire completed the whole walk loop in every case before stopping? I never have remarked this. Then I have only one choice to attach the end animation and all it's fine (it's always the same frame). If not, I have 12 choices to begin the end animation - and that's bad...
It's the wrong thread, I know...

Yes, you are right - I can't compare a 3D-Playstation game with Visionaire, but it was only an example for using wonderful scenes like reality and using such stupid animations, which destroys the impression...