Hello and thanks for your answers!
what im trying to do is:
i have a scene where the player starts from a 1st person persperktive while two npc's are looking at him very close to the camera (one guy left, the other right).
Because the npc's are that big in the picture the text can't appear above them.
So what im trying to do with LUA is to place the text somewhere else instead above the characters.
Furthermore the left npc should have the align left, the right character right and the player (1stPerson) centered.
to your questions:
i dindnt knew that i cant use bbcode in quotes. i just wanted to mark the line.
i manged to display the text where i want, works fine!
I added game because i have no idea what im doing

- i was just playing a little bit with the code (learning by doing)
when im using VGameTextAlignment, the text moves over to the right, nothing more. i tested all possible values (0-5). i tried it with npc 1 and 2 aswell with the player.
so the algin is the main problem on this case

yeah i considered that, and im doing it with the player-character in this case. but i have some trouble with the talking animations when i use a "empty" character. and as far as i know i only can set up the text alignment for the game not for particular spoklen text.
thanks to you!