You can use whatever image editing software you like, as long as it can export still image frames of any animations you create, which you can then import into Visionaire.
Image formats should either be png or webp.
https://wiki.visionaire-tracker.net/wiki/Image_Encodinghttps://wiki.visionaire-tracker.net/wiki/Audio_Encodinghttps://wiki.visionaire-tracker.net/wiki/Video_EncodingI believe an updated manual was being worked on, but in German. Not sure if that's done or ready for translation into other languages. There is however plenty of tutorials floating about on youtube & the wiki & there are plenty of tips & advice on here. There are also a bunch of demo game templates you can download from the downloads sections.
https://wiki.visionaire-tracker.nethttps://www.visionaire-studio.net/downloads/Anyway, in regards to your question about graphics, like I was saying you can use any graphic editing application, but we also have limited support for 3D character models (requires a bit of faffing around to get them to work apparently) & we also have support for
Spine sprite part models. Spine is a little pricey, but another application called DragonBones, which is free can apparently export Spine models.
As for image editing applications, check out:
2d image editing applications
- adobe photoshop/illustrator
- gimp - it's free
- affinity photo/designer - similar to photoshop/illustrator but much cheaper
- asesprite - pixelart graphics editor
- pyxel - pixelart graphics editor
3d graphics applications
- blender - it's free
- cinema 4d
- autodesk maya
- autodesk 3ds max
- sketchup - bit basic
sprite part & general animation applications
- spine
- spriter
- dragonbones
- anime studio (now called moho)
- adobe flash
- toon boom harmony
I think that's enough posting for now. Anyway, welcome to the forum.
P.S: what's with he double ?? after your name at the bottom of the post?